stereotaxic apparatus

  • 网络立体定位仪;立体定向仪;脑固定装置;脑立体定位仪;脑定位仪又称脑固定装置;脑定位仪
stereotaxic apparatusstereotaxic apparatus
  1. And fimbria-fornix of brain was transected and ovary was cut off in the stereotaxic apparatus in order to make AD model .


  2. A stereotaxic apparatus is used to insert the probes that record electrical activity deep within the brain cortex .


  3. Objective To establish intracerebral hemorrhage model in rats by injecting autologous arterial blood into caudate nucleus with stereotaxic apparatus , and observe action and pathology dynamic change .


  4. A JP-model stereotaxic apparatus designed and made by the authors is reported . This apparatus is compatible with CT , MRI and X-ray examinations .


  5. Methods : The cortex , corpus callosum and fimbria-fornix of adult SD rats in the lesion group were cut transversely under a stereotaxic apparatus . The rats were sacrificed at 1-30 d post-lesion .


  6. [ Methods ] kainic acid was injected into hippocampus ' CA3 of rats by stereotaxic apparatus , and make the rat having epileptic seizure . We observed the process of epileptic seizure and the behavior change , recording electroencephalogram at the same time .


  7. Methods In accordance with Yang and Xue , stereotaxic apparatus and infuse fresh quantitative autologous blood into the left caudate nucleus was utilized to build up rat ICH model , and observe the form of hematoma and the dynamic change of brain water after ICH .
